2022-07-13 18:54:17 -04:00

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API Documentation

This is the documentation to using our API in a project of some kind.


When using our API, no matter the instance, you must follow our license terms. This includes giving attribution even when you use a private instance. Learn more here.


Click to expand each endpoint.

GET /api/bypass - Get a bypass


Name Type Required Description
url string, URL encoded Yes The URL of the adlink you want to bypass.
ignoreCache boolean: true/false No Determines if you want to avoid using the cache for your solution.
allowCache boolean: true/false No Determines if you don't want to have your link's solution be in the cache.
ignoreFF boolean: true/false No Determines if you don't want to avoid checking FastForward's Crowd Bypass for a destination.
allowFF boolean: true/false No Determines if you don't want to sync certain types of links to FastForward's Crowd Bypass.
password string, URL encoded Yes, if link is passworded. Password of the link.
referer string, URL encoded No Referer of the bypass, use if the site you're bypassing is referer locked.


A successful response would look like this.

  "success": true, // Detemines success of request.
  "destination": "", // Destination of URL.
  "originalUrl": "", // The original URL.
  "dateSolved": 1655685246159, // JS Date() output
  "fromCache": true, // Determines if the solution came from the BIFM instance's cache or not.
  "fromFastforward": false, // Determines if the solution came from FastForward's Crowd Bypass feature or not.
  "isURL": true // Determines if the response given is a visitable URL. If it's false, the destination is text (likely from a paste).

An errored response would look like this.

  "success": false, // Detemines success of request.
  "error": "Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded", // error message, see console for error trace
  "fromBackend": true // determines if error is from frontend or backend
GET /api/count - Get the count of cached links


There are none.


A successful response from a server with a cache would look like this.

  "success": true, // Determines success of request.
  "count": 100 // The number of destinations in the cache.

If you server has no cache, or has nothing in the cache, a response would look like this.

  "success": true, // Determines success of request.
  "count": 0 // The number of destinations in the cache.