2022-04-25 00:28:21 -04:00

20 lines
607 B

# tikmp3
Tiktok TTS Voice retrieval in Node. Code is based off of a [my friend's code](https://github.com/ry00001/tiktool).
## example
const fs = require("fs");
const tik = require("tikmp3");
(async function() {
let buff = await tik.get("hello world, i'm the english female voice!");
fs.writeFileSync("./test-1.mp3", buff);
console.log("- english female voice test saved to ./test-1.mp3");
buff = await tik.get("hello world, i'm the english male voice!", "en_us_006");
fs.writeFileSync("./test-2.mp3", buff);
console.log("- english male voice test saved to ./test-2.mp3");