
37 lines
1.5 KiB

const got = require("got");
const lib = require("../lib");
module.exports = {
hostnames: ["", "", "", ""],
requiresCaptcha: false,
get: async function(url, opt) {
try {
if (new URL(url).hostname !== "") {
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[urlsopen] Converting URL to final form...");
if (new URL(url).hostname == "") url = `${url.split("/").slice(3).join("/")}`;
else if (new URL(url).hostname == "" && new URL(url).search !== "" && new URL(url).search !== undefined) {
url = `${new URL(url).search.split("?")[1].split("=")[1].split("&")[0]}`;
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[urlsopen] Converted to", url);
let h = (lib.config.defaults?.got?.headers || lib.config.defaults?.axios?.headers || {});
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[urlsopen] Requesting final page...");
let resp = await got({
method: "GET",
headers: h,
url: url
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[urlsopen] Parsing final page...");
if (resp.body.split(`playit://playerv2/video?url=`).length > 1) {
return decodeURIComponent(resp.body.split(`playit://playerv2/video?url=`)[1].split(`'>`)[0]);
} else {
throw "Unable to find link.";
} catch(err) {
throw err;