2022-01-29 09:13:36 -05:00

110 lines
3.2 KiB

const got = require("got");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const time = require("s-ago");
const u = require("url");
example of what an object is supposed to look like
"cover": "<url to the album cover>",
"track": {
"name": "<track title>",
"url": "<url to track on scrobbler/service>"
"stream": "<url to stream, if available>"
"artist": {
"url": "<url to artist on scrobbler/service>"
"name": "<artist's name>"
"album": {
"url": "<url to album on scrobbler/service>",
"name": "<name of album>"
"est-timestamp": "<'live' or est. of how long ago>"
"timestamp": "<actual timestamp, if provided>"
exports.extract = function(user, cb) {
got(`${user}/`).then(function(resp) {
var $ = cheerio.load(resp.body);
var j = JSON.parse($("#page-react-props")[0].children[0].data).listens[0];
if (!j.listened_at) {
var ta = "live";
var t = (new Date() * 1);
} else {
var ta = time(new Date(j.listened_at * 1000));
var t = j.listened_at * 1000;
if (typeof j.track_metadata.mbid_mapping == "string") {
var mbid = j.track_metadata.mbid_mapping.release_mbid;
} else {
var mbid = null;
if (j.track_metadata.release_name !== "None" && typeof j.track_metadata.mbid_mapping == "string") {
var al = {
name: (j.track_metadata.release_name || null),
url: (`${mbid}` || null)
} else {
var al = null;
if (toThumb(j.track_metadata.additional_info.origin_url)) {
var c = toThumb(j.track_metadata.additional_info.origin_url);
} else if (mbid !== null) {
var c = `${mbid}`;
} else {
var c = null;
scrobbler: {
name: "ListenBrainz",
user_url: `${user}/`
cover: c,
track: {
name: (j.track_metadata.track_name || null),
stream: (j.track_metadata.additional_info.origin_url || null),
url: (`${j.track_metadata.mbid_mapping.recording_mbid}` || null)
artist: {
name: (j.track_metadata.artist_name || null),
url: (`${j.track_metadata.mbid_mapping.artist_mbids[0]}` || null)
album: al,
"est-timestamp": ta,
timestamp: t
}).catch(function(err) {
if (err.response) {
if (err.response.statusCode == 404) {
cb("Profile doesn't exist.", null);
} else {
if (err.message && err.message == "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'listened_at')") {
cb("User appears to have no listens.", null)
} else {
cb(err, null);
function toThumb(url) {
if (typeof url !== "string") {return null;}
switch(u.parse(url, true).host) {
case "":
case "":
case "":
if (u.parse(url, true).host == "") {var i = url.split("//")[1].split("/")[1].split("?")[0];} else {var i = url.split("v=")[1].split("&")[0];}
return `${i}/hqdefault.jpg`;
return null;