2022-08-21 19:26:01 -04:00

45 lines
1.3 KiB

const axios = require("axios");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const scp = require("set-cookie-parser");
const decryptDlc = require("decrypt-dlc");
const lib = require("./lib");
module.exports = {
get: get
async function get(url, options) {
lib.log("filecrypt", "Fetching page...", [], true, options);
let resp = await axios({
url: url,
headers: lib.defaultHeaders
lib.log("filecrypt", "Parsing page...");
let $ = cheerio.load(;
let cookies = lib.cookieToString(scp.parse(resp.headers["set-cookies"]));
let dlcBaseLink = `https://${new URL(url).hostname}/DLC/`;
let dlcLink = $(".dlcdownload")?.[0]?.attribs?.onclick;
if (dlcLink) {
dlcLink = dlcLink.split(`'`)[1].split(`'`)[0];
dlcLink = `${dlcBaseLink}${dlcLink}.dlc`;
lib.log("filecrypt", "Fetching DLC file...", [], true, options);
let headers = lib.defaultHeaders;
headers["Cookie"] = cookies;
headers["Referer"] = url;
let resp = await axios({
url: dlcLink,
headers: headers
lib.log("filecrypt", "Decrypting DLC file...");
let dlcContent = await decryptDlc.paste(;
lib.log("filecrypt", `Found ${dlcContent.length} links.`);
return dlcContent;
} else throw new Error("CAPTCHAs cannot be solved at the moment.");