2022-08-07 04:21:29 -04:00

1.4 KiB


A terminal Google Drive downloader that doesn't require API keys written in Node.


git clone # clone repo
cd gdd # enter cloned repo
npm i # install dependencies
# windows:
npm link
# linux/mac:
sudo npm link


gdd [options] (urls to download/action)

-d, --debug                                   Add debug logs
--dry-run                                     Dry running: Show download URL without downloading it
--dest [location], --destination [location]   Location to download the file to
--cookies [location]                          The location of a cookies.txt file generated from your browser  
--no-flatten                                  Do not preform the flatten folder function


gdd captcha [captcha solver name] [captcha solver key]
# example: gdd captcha 2captcha 1abc234de56fab7c89012d34e56fa7b8
# Adds a CAPTCHA solver to bypass Google's "Sorry" CAPTCHA page

gdd config print
# This prints the config file you have

gdd config location
# Prints the location of your config file


gdd --dest "./test.webm" ""
# Download a video to the filename "test.webm" in your current directory

gdd -d ""
# Download a pack of wallpapers in debug mode