2022-09-04 07:18:12 -04:00

20 lines
599 B

const lib = require("./lib");
async function test() {
let file = lib.parseFilename(`Me at the zoo [jNQXAC9IVRw].webm`);
console.log(`Filename parsed from yt-dlp download:`, file);
file = lib.parseFilename(`Me at the zoo-jNQXAC9IVRw.mkv`);
console.log(`Filename parsed from youtube download:`, file);
let check = await lib.check("jNQXAC9IVRw");
console.log(`Test for "me at the zoo":`, check);
check = await lib.check("xXxXxXxXxXx");
console.log(`Test for fake video:`, check);
check = await lib.check("4L4MutidxOs");
console.log(`Test for private video:`, check);