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2022-10-23 21:39:03 -04:00

590 lines
19 KiB

const ext = require("./extractor");
const fs = require("fs");
if (!fs.existsSync("./config.json")) {
if (fs.existsSync("./config.example.json")) {
fs.copyFileSync("./config.example.json", "./config.json");
let d = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config.json"));
if (!process.env.CONFIG_TEXT) {
d.captcha = {};
d.http = {};
d.db = {}
if (process.env.PORT) d.http.port = (parseInt(process.env.PORT) || 32333); = (parseBool(process.env.CAPTCHA_ACTIVE) || false);
d.captcha.service = (process.env.CAPTCHA_SERVICE || "");
d.captcha.key = (process.env.CAPTCHA_KEY || ""); = (parseBool(process.env.DB_ACTIVE) || false);
d.db.url = (process.env.DB_URL || "mongodb://");
d.debug = (parseBool(process.env.BIFM_DEBUG) || false);
d.fastforward = (parseBool(process.env.FASTFORWARD) || true);
d.alert = (process.env.ALERT || "");
} else {
d = JSON.parse(process.env.CONFIG_TEXT);
if (process.env.PORT) d.http.port = process.env.PORT; // for heroku support
d = JSON.stringify(d, null, 2);
fs.writeFileSync("./config.json", d);
else throw "Couldn't find proper lib.config.";
const config = require("./config.json");
const two = require("2captcha");
const got = require("got");
const {MongoClient} = require("mongodb");
let client, db, links;
(async function() {
if (config.db?.active !== false) {
if ( == undefined) { = true;
fs.writeFileSync("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));
console.log("[bifm] Please restart your BIFM instance.");
client = new MongoClient(config.db.url);
await client.connect();
db = client.db("bifm");
links = db.collection("links");
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Connected to MongoDB database.`);
} else {
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Not connecting to MongoDB database.`);
module.exports = {
get: get,
solve: solveCaptcha,
solveThroughPage: solveThroughPage,
cookieString: cookieString,
fastforward: {
get: ffGet,
send: ffSend
byteCount: byteCount,
config: config,
isUrl: isUrl,
db: {
get: dbGet
cloudflare: {
email: cfEmail
cacheCount: cacheCount,
fixSubdomain: fixSubdomain
async function get(url, opt) {
try {
if (new URL(url).host.substring(new URL(url).host.length - 8) == "") url = url.split("#")[0];
let extractor = await ext.fromUrl(url);
extractor = require(`./extractors/${extractor}`);
if (opt.ignoreCache) opt.ignoreCache = parseBool(opt.ignoreCache);
if (opt.allowCache) opt.allowCache = parseBool(opt.allowCache);
if (opt.ignoreFF) opt.ignoreFF = parseBool(opt.ignoreFF);
if (opt.allowFF) opt.allowFF = parseBool(opt.allowFF);
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[extract] Starting "${url}"`, opt)
if ( == true) {
await waitUntilDbConnected();
if (opt.ignoreCache !== true) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[db] Checking DB for desination...");
let f = await dbGet(url);
if (f !== null) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[db] Found, sending solution...");
f.fromCache = true;
f.fromFastforward = false;
return f;
} else {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[db] Not found, continuing...");
if (config.fastforward == true && opt.ignoreFF !== true) {
let r = await ffGet(url);
if (r !== null) {
f = {
dateSolved: "unknown",
originalUrl: url,
destination: r,
fromCache: false,
fromFastforward: true,
isURL: true
return f;
f = await extractor.get(fixSubdomain(url), opt);
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[extract] Finished "${url}", ${JSON.stringify(opt)} [Solution: ${(JSON.stringify(f) || f)}]`);
if (typeof f == "string" || typeof f == "object" && !f.destinations) {
if (!isUrl((f.destination || f)) || (f.destination || f) == url) {
if (typeof (f.destination || f) == "string" && !extractor.hostnames.includes("")) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[extract] URL was invalid.", (f.destination||f), url);
throw "Invalid URL from backend.";
} else {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[extract] URL was invalid, but it was ignored because it was a Linkvertise link.", url);
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[extract] Got one link, proceeding...");
let iu = isUrl((f.destination || f));
let d = {
destination: (f.destination || f),
originalUrl: url,
dateSolved: (new Date() * 1),
isURL: iu
if (f.fastforward == true) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[extract] Detected FastForward response, correcting and sending...`);
if ( == true) {
if (opt.allowCache !== false) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[db] Checking if data on this link already exists on the DB...");
let f = await links.findOne({"originalUrl": url});
if (f == null) f = await links.findOne({"original-url": url}); // older version compatibility
if (f == null) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Nothing found. Adding FastForward solution to DB...`)
await links.insertOne(d);
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Added.`);
} else {
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Data already exists. Continuing correcting and sending...`);
d.dateSolved = "unknown";
d.fromCache = false;
d.fromFastforward = true;
return d;
if (config.fastforward == true && opt?.allowFF !== false) {
await ffSend(url, (f.destination || f));
if ( == true) {
if (opt.allowCache !== false) {
if (opt.ignoreCache == true) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Replacing old version of "${url}" in DB.`)
await links.findOneAndReplace({"originalUrl": url}, d);
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Replaced.`)
} else {
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Adding to DB...`)
await links.insertOne(d);
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Added.`)
delete d._id;
d.fromCache = false;
d.fromFastforward = false;
return d;
} else if (typeof f == "object" && f.destinations) {
let d = {
destinations: (f.destinations),
originalUrl: url,
dateSolved: (new Date() * 1)
for (let a in d.destinations) {
if (!isUrl(d.destinations[a])) delete d.destinations[a]; // removes non-urls
d.destinations = [ Set(d.destinations)]; // removes duplicates
if (f.destinations.length == 0) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[lib] Destination array size is 0, throwing error...");
throw "Invalid response from backend.";
if ( == true) {
if (opt.allowCache !== false) {
d.destinations = JSON.stringify(d.destinations);
if (opt.ignoreCache == true) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Replacing old version of "${url}" in DB.`)
await links.findOneAndReplace({"originalUrl": url}, d);
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Replaced.`)
} else {
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Adding to DB...`)
await links.insertOne(d);
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[db] Added.`)
d.destinations = JSON.parse(d.destinations);
delete d._id;
d.fromCache = false;
d.fromFastforward = false;
return d;
} else {
throw "Invalid response from backend.";
} catch(err) {
throw err;
function isUrl(url) {
try {
let u = new URL(url);
if (u?.protocol !== null) return true;
else return false;
} catch(err) {
return false;
async function cfEmail(data) {
if (!data.includes("/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#")) data = `/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#${data}`;
let a = data;
let s = data.indexOf(`/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection`);
let m = data.length;
if (a && s > -1 && m > 28) {
var j = 28 + s;
s = '';
if (j < m) {
r = '0x' + a.substr(j, 2) | 0;
for (j += 2; j < m && a.charAt(j) != 'X'; j += 2) s += '%' + ('0' + ('0x' + a.substr(j, 2) ^ r).toString(16)).slice(-2);
s = decodeURIComponent(s) + a.substr(j, m - j);
return s;
} else {
return null;
async function cacheCount() {
if (config.db?.active == false) return 0;
if (links == undefined) await waitUntilDbConnected();
return (((await (await links.find({})).toArray()).length) || 0);
async function dbGet(url) {
if (links == undefined) await waitUntilDbConnected();
let f = await links.findOne({"originalUrl": url});
if (f !== null) {
if (f.destinations) f.destinations = JSON.parse(f.destinations);
if (f.destination && f.isURL == undefined || f.isURL == null) {
f.isURL = require("./lib").isUrl(f.destination);
return f;
} else {
f = await links.findOne({"original-url": url}); // older version compatibility
if (f !== null) {
delete f._id;
if (f["date-solved"]) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[db] Updating old solution format from DB...");
f = {
dateSolved: f["date-solved"],
originalUrl: f["original-url"],
destination: f["destination"],
isURL: require("./lib").isUrl(f["destination"])
delete f._id;
await links.findOneAndReplace({"original-url": url}, f);
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[db] Sending DB response...");
delete f._id;
return f;
} else if (f == null) {
f = await links.findOne({"url": url}); // older version compatibility
if (f !== null) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[db] Updating old solution format from DB...");
f = {
originalUrl: f["url"],
destination: f["response"],
dateSolved: (new Date( * 1)
delete f._id;
await links.findOneAndReplace({"url": url}, f);
delete f._id;
return f;
} else {
return null;
function fixSubdomain(url) {
// function meant to be for sites that have you visit multiple different domains
let h = new URL(url).hostname;
switch(h) {
case "":
case "":
return `${url.split("/").slice(3).join("/")}`;
case "":
case "":
return `${url.split("/").slice(3).join("/")}`;
case "":
case "":
case "":
url = url.replace("", "");
url = url.replace("//", "//");
return url;
case "":
case "":
case "":
return `${url.split("/").slice(3).join("/")}`
case "":
return `${url.split("/").slice(3).join("/")}`;
case "":
return `${url.split("/").slice(3).join("/")}`;
default: return url;
async function ffGet(url, igcb) {
try {
if ((isCrowdBypass(new URL(url).hostname) || igcb == true)) {
let b = `domain=${new URL(url).hostname}&path=${new URL(url).pathname.substring(1)}${new URL(url).search}`;
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[fastforward] Made body content: `, b);
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[fastforward] Checking FastForward crowd bypass...");
let d = await got({
method: "POST",
url: "",
body: b,
timeout: (5 * 1000),
throwHttpErrors: false, // Prevent status errors
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[fastforward] Recieved response", d.status,;
if (d.status == 204) return null;
else if (d.status == 200) return;
else {
console.log(`[silent error] FastForward error:\nInvalid response code: ${d.status}\n${}`);
return null;
} else {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[fastforward] Tried to get FastForward URL, not acceptable URL.");
return null;
} catch(err) {
return null;
async function ffSend(url, dest, igcb) {
try {
if ((isCrowdBypass(new URL(url).hostname) || igcb == true)) {
let b = `domain=${new URL(url).hostname}&path=${new URL(url).pathname.substring(1)}${new URL(url).search}&target=${encodeURIComponent(dest)}`;
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[fastforward] Made body content: `, b);
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[fastforward] Sending to FastForward crowd bypass...");
let d = await got({
method: "POST",
url: "",
timeout: (7 * 1000),
body: b,
throwHttpErrors: false // Prevent status errors
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[fastforward] Recieved response", d.status,;
if (d.status == 201) return true;
else {
console.log(`[silent error] FastForward error:\nInvalid response code: ${d.status}\n${}`);
return null;
} catch(err) {
return null;
async function solveCaptcha(sitekey, type, opt) {
// opt value must be like:
// {
// "referer": ""
// }
if ( == false) return null;
if (config.captcha.service == "2captcha") {
const tc = new two.Solver(config["captcha"]["key"]);
let ref = (opt?.referer || "unknown location");
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[captcha] Requesting CAPTCHA solve for a ${type} @ "${ref}"...`);
let a;
switch(type) {
case "recaptcha":
a = (await tc.recaptcha(sitekey, ref)).data;
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[captcha] Solved ${type} for "${ref}".`);
return a;
case "hcaptcha":
a = (await tc.hcaptcha(sitekey, ref)).data;
if (config.debug == true) console.log(`[captcha] Solved ${type} for "${ref}".`);
return a;
case "image":
a = (await(tc.imageCaptcha(sitekey, (opt || {})))).data;
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[captcha] Solved image captcha.", a);
return a;
console.log(`[captcha] Invalid parameters were given to CAPTCHA solver.`)
throw "Parameters for CAPTCHA solver are incorrect.";
async function solveThroughPage(p) {
try {
let type = await p.evaluate(function() {
if (document.querySelector("iframe[title='recaptcha challenge expires in two minutes']") || document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha")) return "recaptcha";
else if (document.querySelector(".h-captcha") || document.querySelector("iframe[title='widget containing checkbox for hCaptcha security challenge']")) return "hcaptcha";
else return null;
if (type == null) throw "Could not find CAPTCHA type.";
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[captcha] Got CAPTCHA type:", type);
let sk = await p.evaluate(function() {
return (
document.querySelector("iframe[title='recaptcha challenge expires in two minutes']")?.src.split("k=")[1].split("&")[0] ||
document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha")?.getAttribute("data-sitekey") ||
document.querySelector("iframe[title='widget containing checkbox for hCaptcha security challenge']").src.split("sitekey=")[1].split("&")[0] ||
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[captcha] Got sitekey:", sk);
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[captcha] Retrieved. Solving CAPTCHA...");
let c = await solveCaptcha(sk, type, {referer: (await p.url())});
// callback-based captchas
if (type == "hcaptcha") {
let id = await p.evaluate(function() {return document.querySelector("iframe[title='widget containing checkbox for hCaptcha security challenge']").src.split("id=")[1].split("&")[0];});
let json = JSON.stringify({id: id, label: "challenge-closed", source: "hcaptcha", contents: {event: 'challenge-passed', expiration: 120, response: c}});
await p.evaluate(`window.postMessage('${json}', '*');`);
} else {
let captchaObject = await p.evaluate(function() {return ___grecaptcha_cfg?.clients?.[0]});
for (let index in captchaObject) {
for (let index_ in index) {
if (config.debug == true) console.log("[captcha] Solved CAPTCHA. Enterring solution and submitting form...");
await p.evaluate(`document.querySelector("[name='g-recaptcha-response']").value = "${c}";`);
if (type == "hcaptcha") await p.evaluate(`document.querySelector("[name='h-captcha-response']").value = "${c}";`);
} catch(err) {
throw err;
function cookieString(co) {
let s = ``;
for (let c in co) {
if (co[c].value == "deleted") continue;
s = `${s} ${co[c].name}=${encodeURIComponent(co[c].value)};`;
s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
return s.substring(1);
function byteCount(string) {
return encodeURI(string).split(/%..|./).length - 1;
function isCrowdBypass(host) {
switch(host) {
case /wadooo\.com|gotravelgo\.space|pantauterus\.me|liputannubi\.net/:
case "":
case "":
case /ouo\.(press|io)/:
case /za\.(gl|uy)/:
case "":
case /uiz\.(io|app)|moon7\.xyz/:
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case /(shon|likn)\.xyz|sloomp\.space/:
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
case "":
return true;
return false;
async function waitUntilDbConnected() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
let a = setInterval(function() {
if (links !== undefined) {
}, 100);
} catch(err) {
function parseBool(data) {
if (typeof data == "string") data = data.toLowerCase();
switch(data) {
case "true":
case "tru":
case "tr":
case "t":
case "y":
case "ye":
case "yes":
return true;
case "false":
case "fals":
case "fal":
case "fa":
case "f":
case "no":
case "n":
return false;
return data;