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const pw = require("playwright-extra");
const lib = require("../lib");
module.exports = {
hostnames: ["", ""],
requiresCaptcha: false,
get: async function(url, opt) {
let b;
try {
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[srtam] Launching browser...");
let args = (lib.config.defaults?.puppeteer || {headless: true});
b = await pw.firefox.launch(args);
p = await b.newPage();
if (opt.referer) {
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[srtam] Going to referer URL first...");
await p.goto(opt.referer, {waitUntil: "domcontentloaded"});
await p.goto(url, {waitUntil: "domcontentloaded"});
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[srtam] Done. Running eval code...");
await p.evaluate(function() {
if(document.querySelector(".skip-container")) {
let f=document.createElement("form")
f.innerHTML='<input type="hidden" name="_image" value="Continue">'
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[srtam] Done. Waiting for navigation...");
await p.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: "domcontentloaded"});
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[srtam] Done, sending solution...");
let u = await p.url();
await b.close();
return u;
} catch(err) {
if (b !== undefined) await b.close();
throw err;