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const pw = require("playwright-extra");
const stl = require("puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth");
const lib = require("../lib");
module.exports = {
hostnames: [""],
get: async function(url, opt) {
let b;
try {
let stlh = stl();
let args = (lib.config.defaults?.puppeteer || {headless: true});
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[longwp] Launching browser...");
b = await pw.firefox.launch(args);
let p = await b.newPage();
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[longwp] Done, opening page...");
await p.goto(url, {waitUntil: "networkidle"});
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[longwp] Done, starting continous function...");
let u = await cont(p);
await b.close();
return u;
} catch(err) {
throw err;
async function cont(p, n) {
try {
if ((await p.$("#wpsafelink-landing"))) {
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[longwpsafe] Handling landing page...");
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[longwpsafe] Found landing page, parsing...");
await p.evaluate(function() {
await p.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
return (await cont(p));
} else if ((await p.$("#getlinkbtn a"))) {
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[longwpsafe] Found JSON link, parsing...");
let j = await p.evaluate(function () {
return atob(document.querySelector("#getlinkbtn a").href.split("safelink_redirect=")[1]);
j = JSON.parse(j);
j = (j.safelink || j.second_safelink_url);
return j;
} else {
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[longwp] Nothing found, waiting...");
await p.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
if (!n) n = 0;
if (n >= 10) throw "Redirect not found.";
return (await cont(p, n));
} catch(err) {
if (err.message == "Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation.") return (await cont(p));
throw err;