This repository has been archived on 2023-08-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

54 lines
1.8 KiB

const got = require("got");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const config = require("../config.json")
const lib = require("../lib");
module.exports = {
hostnames: ["", ""],
requiresCaptcha: false,
get: async function(url, opt) {
try {
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[boostme] Requesting page...");
let h = (lib.config.defaults?.got?.headers || lib.config.defaults?.axios?.headers || {});
if (opt.referer) {
h.Referer = opt.referer;
let proxy;
if (lib.config.defaults?.got?.proxy) {
if (lib.config.defaults?.got?.proxy?.type == "socks5") {
const agent = require("socks-proxy-agent");
let prox = `socks5://${config.defaults?.got?.proxy?.host}:${config.defaults?.got?.proxy?.port}`;
if ((new URL(prox).hostname == "localhost" || new URL(prox).hostname == "") && new URL(prox).port == "9050") {
proxy = {};
} else {
proxy = {httpsAgent: (new agent.SocksProxyAgent(prox))};
} else {
proxy = {};
let resp = await got({
method: "GET",
url: url,
headers: h,
throwHttpErrors: false,
let $ = cheerio.load(resp.body);
if (lib.config.debug == true) console.log("[boostme] Got page. Decoding page...");
if (!$(".main #home").attr("data-url")) {
throw " bypass has changed or we have been rate limited. If you are the owner of this instance, please dump the terminal contents into an issue on the repo.";
} else {
return Buffer.from($(".main #home").attr("data-url"), "base64").toString("ascii");
} catch(err) {
throw err;
//async function resolve